Customers Do Shop On Line

By Susan Mary McPherson

Post your site to a trustworthy web-hosting provider. Your site is effective only when people can see it. If your web site is inaccessible, you can't do business. Use a web-hosting provider that guarantees a high level of service. They should have daily backups and redundant systems. A good provider gives you access to web statistics.

Since 1998 Internet usage in the United States has increased 10,000 percent from 3 to 304 million people. Identify Your Internet Business then ask yourself why customers would come to your web site. come a period of previously unimaginable innovation. But marketing guru Al Ries, author of "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind," and most recently of "The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding," says few companies have an Internet strategy that makes any sense.

It never ceases to amaze me that some people trying to do business on the Internet exhibit a bad attitude. It can take many forms. I recently sent out an email request to someone, and the answer I received, was to say the least, brusque. Needless to say, I removed his email addresses from my files, and he won't hear from me in the future.

The internet is the greatest collection of wealth or fodder, depending upon your info-perspective the world has ever seen. With such a cacophony of directories filled with video, text, imagery, sound, fury, Hot Flash and Cold Fusion, what's an information cheetah to do in order to make sense of it all and take it to another level of the Game?

42 percent of three-year-old business-to-business Web sites in the US are now profitable, with another 14 percent expecting to turn a profit within the next year, according to the latest report from ActivMedia...." Each story contains a link to related articles, so you can go a little further if you choose. It also has a search engine to help you hone in on exactly what you're looking for.

Designing for a worldwide client base is infinitely cheaper than designing a small program and then redesigning the entire website as the business expands. Standardise your functions and administrative systems wherever possible. Think very big indeed and you will find yourself in the running for success! The Internet is only limited by your own ambition, without this solid foundation, no amount of fancy technology will make your site successful or raise the investment you require to make it happen.

Firstly, it is important to remember that over 80% of existing Internet firms will dissolve within the next year without making a single penny in profit. Stories about instant fortunes made from the Internet are often hugely inflated and, whilst founded in fact, the money is often invisible and has not been converted to cash in the owners bank account. The title "Internet Millionaire" is not simultaneous with profit or hard cash.

An understanding of how the Internet works is desirable but not essential. You only need to know that one computer containing your information can communicate with others on a global scale and this can be used for selling your services using the Internet as the road network. Similar to the way you would stop at a motorway shopping mall to make a purchase on your journey, people also stop at your virtual shop (website) to browse around and buy your products. The rest is all mechanics and if you have no wish to be technically literate, then leave it up to the programmers and designers, as this will be their job.

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