Fertility Herb Treatment Options

By Aneron Kepasil

Infertility is a problem faced by both men and women. Low sperm count, low quality sperm, and age affects hormone levels and production of sperm for men. Women are affected by hormonal imbalance, irregular ovulation, inferior eggs or not enough eggs. Age and being underweight or overweight also affects the hormone levels and production of eggs. Costly fertility treatments are very time consuming and can be risks to the health. An inexpensive alternative involving less risks are vitamins, minerals, and herbs for fertility.

Chinese fertility herbs and a proper diet can help your body regulate the delicate balance of estrogen and progesterone that is vital to conception. Recent clinical studies have proven that chasteberry, one of the most widely used Chinese fertility herbs, is effective in women with progesterone deficiency. Because fat cells produce estrogen, a diet which helps you attain a healthy weight is an essential complement to the use of Chinese fertility herbs. It will improve your energy levels and immunity too.

Fertility calculators may be kept by marking the starting dates of a womans period on a calendar over a period of several months. If there are 28 days between starting days of a womans period then a fertility calculator will predict ovulation the week after a period with optimal conception time 11 to 14 days after the starting day of a period.

Ovulation pills vary from the type of medication, the price and the affectivity rate of the product. There are two types of medication: oral and injectibles. Injectibles are said to have longer lasting effect yet may provide detrimental effects in the body in the future because it alters some of the hormonal production in the body. Oral ovulation pills are the most widely used in the market because of its convenience but you should be aware of some deceptive ovulation pills in the market.

Women need additional vitamins, minerals, and herbs for fertility as well to balance hormone levels and create a healthier reproductive system. Just like men, women also benefit from vitamin C, zinc, selenium, and folic acid. Much needed iron is also present in okra, beans, lentils, prunes, and walnuts.

Infertility is no longer a problem to be feared. Couples should relax and stop worrying especially since Mother's Hope Products tirelessly and continuously develops new products which will aid anyone with these types of problems. It uses natural ingredients, just like the ovulation herbs mentioned above and other medicinal herbs to help increase the chances of childbearing in women.

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