Staying Safe at Home: Tips for the Homeowner

By Mark Mahaffey

If you are like many people, you spend a lot of time at home. Since you are there so much, it is important to have a security plan. Even though there are many dangers that can arise while you are at home, you can still take steps to keep yourself and your family safe. Any effort you put into a home safety plan is effort well spent.

Strangers are one of those dangers. You cannot be too careful when it comes to strangers. One important thing to remember is never to broadcast the fact that you are home alone-especially on social media. Also, if a stranger knocks on your door, keep the door closed: do not open it at all. You can talk to him through the closed door. Even if you have a chain that connects the door to the door facing, do not rely on it to keep you safe. A person could break the chain as he forces his way in.

Do not let the stranger at your door use your telephone, even if he asks nicely. Tell him to give you the number and you will make the call for him. In the event that he claims to be a person of authority, insist that he show you his identification through a window. You can then call the company to verify that he is telling the truth.

If someone does break into your home, the first thing you should do is dial 911. Then, stay as calm as you possibly can. If you can stall for time, do that. But the main thing is to keep yourself and your family as safe as possible. Every situation is different, so you may find that the best course of action involves resisting, negotiating, screaming or even fighting.

Having a neighborhood watch set up is a very good idea. Knowing that your neighbors are looking out for you can bring great peace of mind. You can exchange work schedules with a trusted neighbor so that you can keep an eye on each other's homes. Just be sure that you know your neighbors well enough to decide whether or not you can trust them.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can significantly reduce the chances that you will be the victim of crime. Be diligent to put them into practice, for your safety as well as for the safety of those whom you love.

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