Where Technology Started For the Next Generation

By Gilang Aruga

They assert technology could be a distraction to the youth that they ought to learn the basic and traditional way before they are introduced to technology, but today technology is part of life and we can't block the youth from engaging it, it'd be like keeping them from playing outside. Instead we should help and guide these kids and take the advantage of making learning really easy, as it has made life today easy.

Technology has completely changed everyday life, from washing our hands from taps to cooking with no use of an actual fire. Even I'm still unable to get over from cooking without fire anymore, it's incredible. It's when you know that technology has eliminated something important to do or make something much easier. It in addition has given masses of people today a life they never had, thru the use of a PC and accessing the internet would lead directly to one thousand opportunities, using modern apparatus for household activities would lead directly to a much safer and easier living, and other improved on-hand carry gear for protection to make folks much safer and protected.

But in our youth's mind, this would be a regular thing to them. Though infrequently it can be a bad thing, the youth also must know cooking first was achieved through fire, and other things were achieved thru the usage of a few spins, tweaks and shaking. Basics are foundations and they have to know where something started. Either way thru the youth's future experience and data on our today's technology they'll thrive and contribute a good deal.

Technology has completely developed and will continue to develop from the hands of the youth today, and it'll all begin by just introducing them one thing and another.

Parents provide cellphones to their kids and schools allow the use of best laptop for students to give them an easier life the prior generation never did. These cellphones and laptops might be step one in making these individual teens to unlock a potential and come to create something new, something that can significantly make a contribution to the way of life, like our method of socializing. Socializing has evolved into new ways from coming to see a pal, to calling a buddy, to texting a friend, to tweeting a buddy. Who knows maybe the next generation it would just take a press of your mouse button or a snap of a finger to call a friend.

Technology keeps improving, and the youth will improve them in the next generation from our teachings and in their learning. In 1 or 2 years people will look back from today and say it began when the kids were taught with just the utilization of a cellphone.

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