Hearing from My Favorite New York Collection Agency

By Brent Neenan

Every day I hear from the same New York collection agency. I don't mind though because I never answer. I know why they're calling and they won't get what they want from me any time soon. I can't fill my gas tank up and I can't keep up with these credit card payments. Although I took all the proper steps and earned my degree I'm still employed in a minimum wage job without a true plan for the future.

I can't deny the fact that my life was initially on an easy path. I had to loving and hard working parents and lived in a solidly middle class home. My school grades were always good and I even had the opportunity to attend a well-regarded private college. I had every advantage an individual can ask for. Unfortunately as I was graduating school for good I was leaving with massive amounts of bills and my parents were not letting me come back home. Collections is just a displeasing part of life.

Since I was pushed out to living on my own my life has spiraled down. My mom and dad will not help me financially anymore and the bills just won't stop. This collection company does a very good job by not letting me forget I owe people money even though I don't know how I'm ever going to pay it all off.

My only chance out of this hole I'm in is to earn more money. If only there was a way for me to directly sell telecommunication services to consumers then find a way to earn money each time one of those services is in use. The name Patrick Maser comes to mind but I wouldn't even know where to begin.

With luck and good advice I should be able to come up with a truly productive financial plan. I have to do it myself because no one will do it for me. Until then the collection calls will not stop and I'll be living in the dumps but I now have an idol. Patrick Maser is my inspiration and he can be yours; too.

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