If You Want To Get Affordable Housing On Long Island You're Going To Have Push Some Buttons

By Jeff Freeman

Life is hard for a young adult on Long Island due to the lack of jobs and living options. It seems as if Affordable housing Long Island does not exist, if I am wrong then please let me know. The job market is already a big concern for us young adults and now we have to worry about at what age we will be able to move out of the house. If your parents can help you out financially that's great but most of us will have to earn it. So you have an entry-level job out of college and you're making a salary to pay your bills but the rent bill is still unattractive, then it makes sense to just live at home. It kind of is disappointing when you do not have many options other than living at home for the time being or move out of state where you can rent for less than half on Long Island. Right now I like seeing my friends and family so I think I will deal with the first option but young adults on Long Island need some support on this issue.

I do not want to leave Long Island yet since I had grown up here but if the price of housing is still unrealistic for a resident of my age then I may have to go elsewhere. I really hope that does not happen so can some change in policy please be made so young adults in my generation stay around Long Island. Over the years Long Island has been getting more crowded and I understand less open space is available for new housing projects. I am sure powerful people can get creative and find ways to create space so the problem does not become worse for us young adults. This over crowdedness is to blame for the extra traffic on the main roads, Long Island was always a suburban place but it does not feel that way anymore. The median household income of a Long Island resident is $103,600 according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. A comparison to this figure is the average price of a home on Long Island.

Nassau and Suffolk are the two counties on Long Island and politics play a big role in getting things done for the community. The dividing line between the regions becomes a roadblock when discussing potential new policies. In order to suggest a new approach to the housing problem on Long Island there needs to be agreement among decision makers in both counties. Only then will we have a solid plan to improving the situation for the next generation of young Long Island adults.

There are various ways you can take action to improve the future of the community of which you live in. Since we live on Long Island still, do not lose hope because it is truly a great place to live. Long Island is conveniently located so that it is not too far away from New York City but far enough away to live comfortably without much noise pollution. If there is a solution to Affordable Housing Long Island then this is a good place to start.

If you do not want to leave Long Island yet then begin telling friends about your concerns in order to develop more backing to this important cause. It should be easy to organize people who would be for a policy which can change their neighborhood in a positive way. I know that Long Island was not like this when I was a kid and if it was good once it can be that way again.

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