Using A Bearing Checker For Machinery

By Adrian J. Vachon

The MHC Bearing Checker is a small handheld device used to monitor and detect a machines working condition recently announced to the world by a company named Kittiwake. This tool is an emission based acoustic instrument that periodically monitors multiple machines for problems thus delivering a cost-effective maintenance for many diverse companies.

The MHC Bearing Checker bases its detection on high-frequency activity that is naturally generated by the corrosion of rotating machinery, which results in the removal of specific machine interpretations. Bearing checkers contain built in distress parameters where after reaching the level 10, the superintendent is informed of any potential problems that might delay the machines productivity. Included decibel levels as well as the distress levels can locate noise produced by the machine's bearing. The noise would be the primary initiator of an increase in rotation speed as well as the degradation of the bearing.

Any usual or non-mechanical person would not have to have any existing history or experience to effectively use the tool. A usual measurement would take at most 10 seconds, and would not require that you to know of any of the machine's design details such as the bearing kind or race diameters. Machine types of all kinds often can apply the distress interpretation in order to 'deskill' machinery to provide professionals with a more beneficial and knowledgeable approach to predicative maintenance for better-informed decisions.

One of the most efficient and cost effective options for mechanical engineers who are looking to maintain and keep watch of many machines in his business would be to invest in a bearing checker. Issues in problem areas are commonly found with this tool in areas that are often ignored such as pumps, gearboxes and motors. Productivity when using a checker will as a result continue without any delays. Saving money while also avoiding downtime is one of the reasons why companies should consider bearing checkers. Each checker contains a rechargeable internal battery that offers as much as 1,000 possible tests between each charging session. A USB port is used to offer the bearing checker with the necessary charge needed to work effectively again. Any standard PC USB will be good enough to ensure effective charging.

Even with all the great qualities and attributes the MHC Bearing Checker has to discover and indicate machinery problems, the most amazing would be the history created behind making it. Analyzing results over time and devising routes aided in a better understanding of machinery and created a real intelligence on the operation of bearings.

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