Work Zone Traffic Statistics

By Jessie Mccafferty

Normally over 100 road and highway construction workers are killed each year on the job. The most common cause of death to these employees is being struck by a passing car. This accounted for 23% of the deaths between 1992 and 1996. Another 18% were struck by construction vehicles, making over 1/3 of the deaths automobile related. The 3rd most usual cause of death for a worker is a traffic crash in the work zone.

Another 20,000 are hurt each year, with many of those wounds due to traffic within construction sections, also. Road construction, due to these numbers and the many risks faced by workers, is one of the most hazardous occupations in the country.

According to organizations like OSHA and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the fatality rate for road employees on the job is between 2 and 4 times higher than all other sorts of construction occupations, including building construction. The clear distinction between the types of construction which make road work so much more threatening is the addition of moving traffic. Even in work areas where traffic does not go thru the work is typically alongside another road that is open, leaving employees more vulnerable to accidents.

The slower traffic moves near and thru work sectors, the fewer accidents there will likely be. And when accidents do happen, the risk for serious death should be reduced due to the slower speeds. A vehicle traveling 25 miles per hour is just about 10 times less likely to lead to a fatal injury than an automobile going 40 mph. Since the majority of the deaths in work zones stem from traffic, getting the majority of the automobiles to decelerate is the best step that may be taken to make these areas safer for employees.

TraffiCalm driver feedback signs are made in the United States and totally reliable. You can select between solar-powered signs or battery-operated for mobile work sector use. The sign can be placed on a trailer or the back of any vehicle so it will move with your employees and is straightforward to put far enough ahead of the zone to slow traffic well before it reaches employees, early in the transition area. This is going to help make sure that traffic is moving at a safer speed when it reaches an area where workers are present.

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