Going for Gold with Triton Tungsten

By Chad Stevenson

As I stood there in the middle of the kitchen hovering over the cracked tungsten ring I began to wonder how did; I ever end up this position? The marriage was certain to end in divorce and the cracked ring was the symbol of all that had gone wrong. It seemed like a life time ago we were debating on which rings to buy for the wedding and I recalled everything thing that had let up to making the decision. Maybe if even one of the events went differently our marriage would still be salvageable.

During the time we were dating our relationship seemed as strong as ever. We always found plenty of activities to do together and could chat for hours on end about nothing. It seemed clear to me that eventually we would get married so not even a year into the courtship I asked for her hand in marriage and so commenced the frenzy of wedding planning and married life.

It was obvious that to my fianc that the choice of wedding rings we were to decide upon was of great matter to her. We both understood wedding rings to be the symbol of the vows and promises made by two people to one another. We couldn't decide on which particular ring, would best suit that symbol though and so the great ring debate began.

Her choices were the pretty and conservative gold rings. I wanted to go with the more rugged looking tungsten. What I liked was that tungsten was supposed to be super hard and rated high on the Mohs scale of hardness. She argued back though saying scientifically that only made tungsten all the more brittle and likely tosplit in two. Buying the more malleable gold rings were the best choice for her.

As it turned out I got my way in that argument but things were never the same since. Our marriage flew out of control quickly and in our final argument she hurled her Triton tungsten ring at me; breaking it on the floor. Now I hover over it; thinking of all the decisions I had made, stressed about how I could've made things different.

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