Why Dreams are Important

By Jimena Cortes

We dream since it is a natural physiological activity which occurs when we are sleeping. Sleep gives us rest and helps us to recharge our minds and bodies and it neccesary in order to function properly in our daily lives. People who are sleep deprived tend to become tense and fidgety. When a person suffers from sleeplessness, they can develop pschychological disorders.

Dreaming is very important to us as well just like getting a good night of sleep is a must. Although many individuals do not remember their dreams when they wake up, it is a fact that everybody dreams when they sleep. Research on sleeping and dreaming done at the university labs conclude that adults have about 1 dream every ninety minutes when sleeping.

That means that you may have about 4-6 dreams when you get an 8 hr sleep. Just as we need sleep to function we also need to dream. In a study where lab subjects were allowed to sleep and not dream, these people began to have hallucinations within a week. So when you are sleeping, make sure you also dream to stay healthy.

When we are sleep, the mind is still very much at work, except that we are not aware about it like we are when awake during the day. Research has shown that the brain does not switch off or "shut down" when we sleep; it is actually re-awakened when we enter dream sleep. There is however, a difference between the sleeping and awake brain.

Only some areas of our brain are awakened and are involved in dreaming. Scientists also have learned now that dreaming primarily occurs in the limbic region of the brain which is the area that deals with our emotions. Thus we seem to have an explanation for the highly emotional nature of dreams.

Vivid dreams take place during a phase of deep sleep called the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase. This is interspersed with NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) phase. Dreams happen in both phases of sleep. Those who wake up during the time when they are in the REM sleep phase almost always can remember what they were dreaming, whereas those woken during NREM sleep have a much lower rate of dream retention, around a 15% of remembering their dreams. Also, the kind of dreams reported by people awakened from REM sleep is often illogical, bizarre, and the type we often associate as a dream.

Now that you have learned just how important dreaming is to sleeping and sleeping is to dreaming be sure to get plenty of both for optimal health.

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