Discover How to Prevent Hair Loss

By Adrian Bruce

Stress, infections, illness, hormonal imbalance, (genetic) diseases, nutrition, over coloring of hair, medicines, emotional stress, a recent pregnancy or thyroid gland under-activity or over-activity are all possible causes of hair loss. A visit to your doctor is recommended so as to rule out some of the causes and closely look at others. The following tips on preventing hair loss will help you to prevent loss of your hair.

Actually, losing 40 to 50 strands of hair daily is quite normal. But if your hair begins to come out in bunches, and you are unable to maintain the same volume of hair, there could be a case for concern.

How to overcome hair loss depends on the cause. The best way to prevent hair loss is a natural treatment. Natural treatments can be done outside and from within. The hair treatments outside is done by choosing the hair care products made of natural ingredients such as honey, eggs, aloe vera, olive oil, coconut oil and other natural ingredients.

The hair treatments from the inside, can be done by eating foods that meet nutritional needs of hair like vitamin A, B, C, E and minerals such as iron, zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium ect. Vitamin and mineral are beneficial for the fertility of the hair and scalp health.

Always keep the hair clean as dirty hair is likely to be infected and eventually fall. Buy good quality hair products and shampoo and when shampooing your hair, focus on the hair roots and scalp. When applying hair lotion or conditioner, focus on the ends as they are vulnerable to damage and also dry out faster.

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