Natural Ways to Stop a Runny Nose

By Joseph Butcher

There are lots of natural remedies that individuals can resort to to find out how to stop runny nose. These treatments are better as compared to medicines, because these do not cause any negative effects. Some of the most regularly used herbal remedies for runny nose include the following:

* Consume no less than 2/3 servings of barberry tea as much as three times every day. Based on researches, barberry is efficient against swelling such as the type that may cause sinus congestion as well as runny nose. Barberry is also helpful in lessening the length of various health issues which can cause runny nose. You can resort to dried barberry root from your local pharmacy, boil two to three grams in hot water for about ten to fifteen minutes and consume it. Nevertheless, prior to picking this herbal option, be sure you consult your personal doctor first to prevent any risks.

* You may also take 80-320 milligrams of bromelain in split dosages and consume it at three times per day. Bromelain is a well-known enzyme that is obtained from pineapple. This is powerful in improving digestion and decreasing inflammation. According to researches, bromelain is useful against nasal and sinus inflammation, especially to people who have been through medical procedures due to these disorders. Bromelain is also useful in reducing inflammation inside the sinus and nasal cavities as a consequence of conditions such as runny nose and sinusitis. Then again, a consultation with your physician is necessary prior to the use of this treatment.

* Taking 12 to 25 milligrams of ephedra thrice a day is yet another effective means of learning how to stop a runny nose without medicine. Having said that, the consumption of this solution should be carried out under the guidance of a healthcare provider. You may also consume ephedra tea for this reason. Ephedra, which is also referred to as Ma Huang, is an excellent herb against runny nose problems. This is regarded as a stimulant which is powerful against different bronchial disorders, including bronchitis, asthma and sinusitis.

* Consuming a cup of Echinacea tea three times daily is also helpful against runny nose. According to studies, this natural herb is useful against bacterial infections and other diseases, particularly against flu and cold. Echinacea is also effective for the management of respiratory conditions that can produce runny nose illnesses. This is a effective herb that may provide positive results to the body's immune system, therefore helping stop any diseases that could bring about excessive mucus production as well as nasal congestion.

* For runny nose problems, consuming a cup of elderberry at least three times a day is also beneficial. This natural herb is beneficial for treating a variety of ailments like common cold, sinusitis, sinus infections and runny nose. Elderberry has natural diuretic effects which can help the body eliminate extra body fluids, including mucus that can cause runny nose disorders. Nonetheless, consulting a doctor is required prior to its administration.

Even though these herbs are organic and with no negative effects, it is still recommended to talk about its usage with a health care provider. The reason is particular herbs can complicate other conditions and checking with a medical doctor can prevent the risks. For info on other medical issues, you could consult your personal doctor for details.

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