What Makes The Miracle Mind Method Different?

By Brent Parsons

Does the Miracle Mind Method come off as a little sketchy to you? While the idea of living the life that you dream about sounds pretty cool, you are still aren't quite convinced that things are as they seem. You are not one to jump into things and you want to make sure that this isn't just another book on the Law of Attraction that is going to leave you kicking yourself five minutes into reading it. You might be hopeful but you're not overly optimistic, right? You've been down this road before and it always lead to the same place.

Every time you get your hopes up, you find that you come face to face with the same advice and information on manifesting that you already knew. You're thinking that the Miracle Mind Method might be no different so you want to check it out for sure. You don't want to regret what feels like a good idea at the moment only to find out that you have bought yet another book that is just a rehash of the Secret with some fancy words thrown in for good measure.

What Chris Cains program does give you is more actionable knowledge than theory and in depth reasoning why the methods work or a bunch of metaphysical psychobabble. What you will find is steps that you can take to bring yourself step by step closer to your dreams and goals and you'll get started right after you are done reading the first lesson. You will know what to do first and then what to do next as you work your way through the program.

You will find actual instructions on what you should be doing to really understand what you want in concrete terms that you can focus on and work on throughout the lessons as well as actual things that you need to do to bring those goals to life. These are steps that you will take and not some sort of vague instructions like spending thirty minutes a day dreaming about what you want. These are actual steps that will progress you along towards your goals or dreams. You won't be left wondering "what am I supposed to do?"

Although no self help book is perfect and nobody can tell you exactly what to do because you have free will, you will feel compelled to follow these steps and invest the time and effort into following through. But only if you really want to achieve your dreams in this life. Sure, some of the stuff might sound weird and you won't go out telling your friends and family about it at first for fear of being rediculed but once you do start to see success it is up to you whether you tell anyone your secret. For me, it was a matter of forgetting about whether or not I felt silly doing these things and I know that I just had to test them out before deeming them corny or stupid.

The Miracle Mind Method does come in audio format also. This should make it easy for you to listen to the information when you're either just too tired to read or you can utilize time spent driving back and forth to work to digest this information. Either load the mp3's into your ipod or burn them to a cd and you can take them anywhere or listen to each lesson when you would otherwise be doing nothing important to bring yourself closer to your dreams.

You might ask if the Miracle Mind Method works and if I have found success with Chris Cains course. I will tell you that I have used these methods and the scary part is that they do work and they do work very quickly. The only down side that I have found is that when I do slack off and go back to doing things my own way, the success dissapears also. I guess it is a matter of habit and when I want it enough I have little problem in devoting time each day in listening to the recordings and doing what Chris Cains suggests. And then when things are going my way, I guess I get all cocky, go back to my own way of doing things and life knocks me down a peg or two.

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