Why Is An Epic MMO So Epic?

By Gary X. Monsour

There are currently dozens of epic MMO games on the Internet being played by gamers of all ages in a long list of countries spanning every part of the globe. Game servers keep each player's characters and allow them to connect to other players who are also online; together, they work on developing their characters' skills as much as possible. There are major differences between traditional one player console games and these modern online games that have led to their definite popularity with people of all ages and backgrounds. What are a few of those special features that allow these games to be described as epic? And how can new players get into the games without being totally overwhelmed?

Epic MMO games have done well with gamers because they are more than just very well designed video games; they are also highly social environments. When you enter your game, you are thrust into an online world where you can chat with all the other players currently connected. And the other players are not only present to watch; you can chat with them, enlist their help to overcome challenges, trade items with them, and even battle them. The majority of console games have you running around a totally computer character inhabited world, which is quite different from the environment of online games.

Part of the epic nature of MMO's is that they do not arrive at definite endings like most games on today's gaming consoles. You don't have to stop strengthening your characters in epic MMO games because there are always new items to search out and new abilities to learn. Some games have maximum levels where you cannot go any higher, but even that does not end the game; there are new quests constantly being added to these games.

It is not cheap to constantly stay up to date with the latest console games, but online RPG's that are free of charge eliminate this concern from gamers' minds. Many online games are on a paid basis as well, requesting that you pay a monthly fee to keep your account active, but even these tend to have free trial periods.

Epic MMO games are about more than just raising your character's level; they are also great social settings. As your character grows stronger and you work together with a long list of players, you are sure to develop some great in-game friendships.

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