Key Tips to a Perfect Proposal Planning

By Morgan Dion

The process of getting married is laid with many obstacles to overcome! Of which, the most treacherous many would consider to be, is the proposal. In order to assure everything goes right, proposal planning has been left in professional hands on many occasions. This is in order to alleviate any excess stress, as many men have so much on their mind that the added stress of putting together a perfect event is too much.

The formalities of a marriage proposal haven't changed in hundreds of years. The man gets on one knee and proposes to the woman, as we see all the time in modern media. The trick is the build up before you finally get down to presenting the ring to her, which is where many guys add their own creative twist. Check out the traditions behind marriage proposal here!

It is not uncommon nowadays to have a professional act as an advisor or an event planner to make the occasion go without a hitch. This undoubtedly acts as a stress reliever for the guy who has the weight of failure over his head. However, it is said that even if the answer isn't immediately "yes", some people need additional time to think it over, so there is still hope. If you need advice, Engagement 101 can meet your every need.

Some good advice one can take when planning their big moment would be to be yourself, speak with your significant others parents, keep it private, and absolutely find a ring for the event! It also helps to actually tell them the reasons you want to marry them, rather than just plainly stating the four word question. Make sure you've discussed the possibility of marriage with them as well, so you don't throw them for a loop and make them uncomfortable for the special moment, otherwise it could flop.

Some of the more intimate proposals however, are less extraordinary, and more specific, such as preparing a romantic dinner yourself at home and proposing over the meal.

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