Information On How To Conceive A Boy Baby

By Amy Wilmont

The prince or princess guide contains all the information needed for couple to conceive the gendered child of their choice. The precise and complete guide informs the reader on how to conceive a boy infant or girl infant.

The author of this book, Alicia Pennington went through all the methods of gender selection, baby conception and chose the top techniques to put into her book. She tested her findings before recommending them to the public. She used 117 women and herself to prove the effectiveness of the program. 112 of the women had the baby they had aimed to conceive.

This comprehensive and precise guide has been used world wide with a success rate of over ninety four percent. The baby gender selection program is simply and risk free. The program requires that the couple starts to prepare themselves before fertilization. This technique allows couples to choose the sex of their baby while gaining a greater understanding of their bodies and how certain factors in ones lifestyle alter the miracle of conception.

The program consists of three steps. The first step deals with ovulation and the significance of timing intercourse when it comes to creating a boy or girl baby. The guide informs the couple of the precise time during ovulation that intercourse should happen in order for a specific gender to have an increased chance.

The second theory is that diet has a lot to do with gender selection. Apparently certain types of food create a perfect environment in the human body for either sperm X or sperm Y. Therefore by eating certain things one can control the environment that the sperm will enter, providing one sperm with an optimum environment and the other with a harsh environment. This will enable one kind of sperm to be more mobile and have a greater chance of successful egg penetration.

Step three reveals that specific positions during sex can help the women conceive a baby of a particular gender. It is important for the up and coming parents to remember that all three steps are guide lines and are not an exact science.

The princess or prince guide is a totally natural way of altering the odds. This method is surgery and drug free and there is no chance of the future baby or mother getting injured by this program. This affordable method has been proven to work for any age or race and the patients medical situation is of no relevance.

The book gives couples a chance to learn about gender selection processes and how ones body can be manipulate to create the perfect environment for one gender and not the other. This is where pH levels come in and the book explains how to control them.

This guide provides potential parents with an effective way to increase their chances of having the child they have dreamed of. There are so many theories out there on baby gender conception, that it makes it hard for the couple to know which one is the right choice. However this concise and direct method provides the family with an easy, affordable and risk free program that has effective results.

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