Applying Treatment for Dog Hot Spots

By Jennifer Gretson

Among the most uncomfortable things that could happen to your dog is for them to have dog hot spots. When that happens, there may be a lot of reasons and among them is that they have been unfortunately infested with parasites. The most common of these parasites are fleas. Some dogs may also have dog hot spots due to psychological reasons.

But one thing you should know, hot spots are actually aggravated by the fact that dogs continue to gnaw and lick the particular area. What happens is that swelling and wounds eventually open on the skin along with inflammation. These lesions would be so because it was a very uncomfortable feeling that would prompt dogs to relieve themselves off of them.

Dog hot spots can worsen if not treated promptly. This is why you need to consult a vet when you observe your pet to have these. They are not to be taken lightly because dog hot spots are very uncomfortable and should be properly attended to so that they would cease.

First, you need to have the areas specifically identified so that you can shave the hair off the area surrounding it. That would make it easier for you to treat the lesions and make sure that the hair itself doesn't contribute to further infections.

Once the area has been shaved off, make sure that you have your hands clean before you treat the dog hot spots. The next important thing to do would be to cleanse the wounds. You can do this using cool water, filtered if possible, and then use a gentle cleanser over the wounds. If you can find anything than alcohol, that'll be better so it wouldn't sting.

After the cleansing has been done, it would be necessary to apply a cold compress over the wounds so that it would speed up the healing process. This would also help prevent the itching from resuming and pestering your dog.

Although you might have successfully done the part of cleaning the dog hot spots, you shouldn't be left contented with not seeing the vet. You should still do that because medications might be necessary to completely heal your dog. Plus, the dog hot spots might just be a symptom of something more major.

Antibiotics are the most common meds that will help kill any bacteria or virus which prompted the dog hot spots. In addition to this, some topical cream may also be prescribed so that the scabs and lesions would finally heal as well.

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