Golf's 5 Biggest Misconception

By Dade Rick Milton

1.Keep the Head Down - This is bad for both your body and game. One of big keys in striking the golf ball well is to rotate thru the shot. If you try to concentrate on "staying down", it will be impossible to clear all the way thru the shot. Also, if the body is trying to rotate while your eyes are stuck to the ground, you are putting a very large torque on the neck.

2. Keeping your Left Arm Straight - If you intend on keeping your arm straight, you'll create too much strain on your arms and it will be harder to release the club properly. Remember that you need to keep your left arm relaxed but extended. The extension will give you the maximum arc and relaxed muscle that will allow you to go faster, equating to farther distance.

3. Position of the Ball - Most players play the ball too far forward with the driver and too far back with short irons. The ball position is formulated by a triangle shape of your arms/hands/shoulders + the location of club face in relation to the shaft + small adjustment to allow proper angle of ascending or descending. The drive is slightly upswing, so the ball is a bit forward, and the iron is slightly downswing, so the ball is slightly at back. But for the entire set, the ball will move about 4 inches only. That is from Sand wedge and all the way to the Driver.

4. Swinging the Club Down the Line - The swing should be in circle, more likely it is an ellipse. In order to swing down the line, the club must travel in a straight line. This will cut the centrifugal force of the swing, robbing you of distance. It will also affect the ability to square the clubface. Straight lines in the swing will block to ball to the right. Try to think more on swinging your club around you then down the line.

5. Hitting Down Makes the Ball Go Up - Hitting up makes the ball go up and hitting down makes the ball go down. If you have a tree in front of you that you need to go over, you'll be hoping for a good lie so that you can lean back and swing up on the ball to get it over the tree. Remember not to hit the ball down. It is true that all clubs except the driver are made to strike the ball on a descending blow, but it is the loft that will make the ball go up and not the angle of attack. A nicer thought to make the ball go up is to pinch the ball between the ground and clubface. It will give you clean contact which will help on making the ball go up.

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