Natural and Effective Remedies for Treating Bronchitis Cough

By Rickey Henolap

A persistent hacking cough lets a person know that he or she might have bronchitis. The bronchitis cause might be a virus, a bacterium, exposure to cigarette smoke, prolonged exposure to cleaning products, or by stomach acid irritating the bronchial tubes. Acute bronchitis usually lasts for a week or two. If the bronchial tubes become permanently inflamed, a patient may develop chronic bronchitis.

Do antibiotics work for either kind of bronchitis lung? No. Almost all cases of bronchitis are viral infections so antibiotics do not do anything to help cure bronchitis. Antibiotics are commonly still prescribed for bronchitis even though they can actually do more harm than good. Rest and low activity are recommended to alleviate symptoms. Usually treating the symptoms is all that can be done to help a person feel better untill the immune system can fight it off. It is very important to treat bronchitis lung as it can develp into pneumonia.

In addition to viral causes, acute bronchitis can be caused by chemical irritants. These include tobacco smoke, solvents, and gastric reflux. Smoking predisposes people to acute bronchitis. One way to prevent it is to quit smoking. This helps to decrease the amount of tar in the lungs and loosen up the bronchial passages.

Bronovil has been highly effective in the treatment of bronchitis and actually helps the body fight infection and recover faster. It is highly effective in relieving coughs, thinning mucus, stimulating the immune system, eliminating fatigue, and boosting energy. Bronovil prevents viruses and bacteria from sticking to the cells of the lungs reducing mucus where viruses and bacteria multiply. Bronovil is effective not only in bronchitis treatment, but also in the treatment of the common cold and strep throat. Since it can be used alone or with other medications, it is the recommended treatment of respiratory disorders for the elderly and AIDS/HIV patients.

Those suffering from acute bronchitis should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and to loosen up the secretions clogging their lungs, making them easier to expectorate. Placing a warm, but not damp, towel against one's chest also helps loosen the phlegm, and placing a warm towel around the neck can provide some comfort for the sore throat that often accompanies acute bronchitis. Drinking warm tea with honey can also help.

People who want to use pelargonium should try Bronovil. The South African flower is Bronovils key ingredient is the South African geranium mentioned above. Pelargonium works by preventing viruses from attaching to cells in the body. This herb boosts the bodys immune system, which makes it useful for older people and people suffering from HIV/AIDS.

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