Home Wall Decor

By Timothy R. Longwell

How can a wall decal be functional, you ask? Well, most of them have been engineered so that they are removable and reusable. So whether you have a phobia to commit to any one home design approach, or perhaps you want to stage your home for sale, but don't want to invest vast sums into wall art- well, here is where wall decals can offer some practical value.

These decals are easier than paint in that they only take minutes to put on, they do not damage the wall and are, as mentioned, removable. They are usually sold as multi pack packages, that contain various decals- all part of the same theme. In this regard, you have some creative input as to how you'd like to arrange your decals. Prices generally range from $12- $165, so these creative additions can be done on any budget.

Curtain walls are non-load-bearing walls often made of transparent or translucent materials like glass or plastics. Loads are borne in these buildings by other structural elements like frames and columns, with the walls bearing only their own weight. Curtain walls can create superb effects and provide thermal and solar control.

In the bathroom, walls scones placed on the either side of the mirror could provide uniform lighting on the face of the person if he stands in front of the mirror. Again, the USP here is the absence of shadows. It can be really awkward if one is not able to see his/her face properly while looking at the mirror. For proper lighting, the wall scones must be placed at least 6 feet above the ground, and must be ideally halogen bulbs.

Really, the wall decal generation can satisfy a lot of whimsical design ideas that could otherwise turn out disastrous- or at the very least expensive, time consuming, and permanent. Here is your chance to play, and with very little risk. All that your really putting on the line, is the cost of the decal. And even then, if you don't like them in one room, simply try them somewhere else.

In short, wall scones add a unique element of sophistication and style to the rooms, and are not limited to the above mentioned rooms only. For example, wall scones could be used for ambient lighting in bedrooms as well. It is just about planning where to fix one.

Modern materials have made it possible to produce wall panels in different colors, shapes, sizes and thickness to create desired effects or meet special requirements. Wall panels have indeed come a long way since the days of pine wood planks.

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