Good Ideas for Container Gardening

By Terrence Hellington

The container gardening idea is for those of us who do not possess the area and the time to designate to a customary garden. Your original container gardening experience will most likely start out with something as basic as a flower pot outside your front door. Once you have a basic understanding, you will be able to experiment and put more than one plant in a container. Once you have begun checking into container gardening; you will understand how much fun you can have doing it and will want to learn all there is to know about it.

Rooftop gardening has become a popular development in gardening over the past several years. With rooftop gardens, people can have a low priced food source, some attractiveness and vegetation in the middle of the city and these are being planted all around the world. A roof can be an ideal environment for a garden, as it is outdoors and gets all of the sunlight that any other garden would receive. The place in which you live will determine what kind of rooftop garden you can have. If you reside in an apartment building, you can create or form a junction with a community garden that is shared by multiple individuals. If you have your own house with a flat roof you can create your own personal rooftop container garden.

The soil in a standard garden will stay cool due to the expanse and protect the roots of a plant; unlike the little bit of soil that is in a container. If you have plants that are sitting directly in the sun, you need to shield them when the sun is the hottest. Just make sure you consider the heat issue when you locate your containers initially. You can alleviate some of the problem when you are careful about where you put your containers in the beginning.

You can make container gardening into an art form by choosing creative and unusual containers. The plants don't care what the container looks like, as long as it's sturdy and has drainage holes at the bottom. You will need to evaluate the location you will be putting your container garden in and then make your decision based on those findings.

One aspect you will need to pay close attention to is providing adequate lighting for your container garden; regardless of the location. Ideally, your plants should receive sunlight during the day. If your area does not receive adequate natural sunlight for your plants; you will need to supply it with an unnatural source. There are grow lights available and they will emit heat that will be somewhat like that given off by sunlight. These are great when your containers are inside, without the benefit of natural sunlight. The next best thing would be a bright bulb of 150 watts that's kept on the plants during the day.

Container gardening is sure to get more popular as more people are wanting to grow their own vegetables herbs and plants. Although we would like to invest in a good sized garden; it would invariably take a lot of time and space that we do not necessarily have. Even though we may all wish to have a big garden, container gardens are a really good option and require a lot less time and effort.

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