Home Schooling -Important Aspects To Consider

By Kenneth Manley

Are you frustrated with conventional schools and thinking about home schooling your kids? If so, you have plenty of company, as many parents are thinking along these lines. There are a few things you should know about homeschooling before you decide to go this direction. Here are a few things you should think about before doing homeschooling with your kids.

Parents that homeschool their children often state that their number one reason for taking their kids out of the public schools was to better utilize educational time. Kids they go to public schools often complain that they are not getting an education, that the teachers are babysitting them and not teaching them anything at all. Parents that advocate homeschooling always reference the fact that there is a lot of time wasted traveling to and from classes, going to recess, and an assortment of other activities that are not academically related. The ability to be flexible simply does not exist at the public schools because of all of these activities forcing kids to learn so much in a very small amount of time; this is not true for those that are homeschooled. Your kids have so much more flexibility at home, yet, through personal determination, they will learn more than public-school children if they apply themselves in the right way.

Homeschooling does not require you to have a degree, nor is one necessary to help your kids with the subjects you are going to teach. However, you will have to brush up on your skills and study a little bit yourself. If there are a lot of subjects that you don't know very well, read ahead at least a chapter in advance so that you can be ready for the next day. Parents that do this for the first time may find that they are not very competent with some subject matter which may require them to hire a tutor to help their child learn what they need to know.

The point is, that home schooling your kids means that parents have to act as teachers, which means you'll have some homework of your own to contend with.

Home schooled children are at a disadvantage because a parent cannot possibly supply all of the resources that a school can. Many resources offered on school campuses such as buildings, play yards, and technology are not appreciated. If you are not wealthy, you will not be able to provide comparable facilities in your home. Your home probably doesn't contain a library, a gymnasium, a science lab, sports fields, etc. Now, you do have the option of taking your children to public libraries, parks and gym's, but none of these can offer the convenience of being in one place and readily available every day. Definitely a drawback, but don't let this deter you in regard to homeschooling as a possibility.

Sometimes, parents will see homeschooling as a blessing as it will allow them to raise their children with their values and not the ones learned in the public school system. It is important to look at both sides, understanding that homeschooling and the private school system have good and bad points, and that you must make the right decision for your child in the end.

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