Dyslexia Screening Tests Explained
Dyslexia screening is a test that is used to see whether or not you could have dyslexia. If you get a positive result, this may not mean you do have dyslexia, just that there is a possibility you may.
If you are looking for a dyslexia screening test, then this indicates that you think you have a reading problem. However, you may wish for some sort of confirmation prior to taking the step of approaching a professional body for a more formal assessment.
A dyslexia screening test will ask you to perform certain tasks to establish what your particular problem is. Such tasks may involve short rhyming tests which may take the form of being asked to say which word rhymes with 'hat' from 'bit', 'mat' or 'car' for example. You may be asked to write down spoken words. It may also surprise you to find number tasks included to. This is because a difficulty with numbers are often found alongside reading problems.
The word 'dyslexia' tends to be used to include the different types of reading deficits Within the term dyslexia, you must realise that there are different types of reading problems for each person. Such problems will manifest in the different ways in which you read.
In broad terms, it is possible you have more problems with words that do not follow the traditional spelling-to-sound rules, such as the word 'steak', however, you may be able to read made-up words such as 'shulz'. In contrast, you may be OK with words such as 'steak', but find the made-up words more difficult. Why this discrepancy occurs is widely debated within the academic world on various grounds, as are the different theories of how we read. A basic guide to reading theories will be the subject of another article as this may help people understand the deficit better.
Dyslexia is more complex with adults as, having grown up with a reading deficit; they may have learnt to compensate for it in additional other ways.
Dyslexia screening tests can be found online and will also offer you useful advice. It is important to remember that should the test indicate possible dyslexia, an individual assessment will be far more specific and useful. Whoever the professional is who tests you, they will also be able to suggest tasks for your to practice that may help you cope better in the future.
An online dyslexia screening test is a good way to avoid feeling embarrassed before you have to! However, you should not feel embarressed, as the professionals you deal with are fully aware of your feelings; the years you have spent trying to avoid reading out loud in public, the other difficulties you have had as well as the courage it takes for you to actually be there.
Get smart, get those questions answered that have plagued you for years.
If you are looking for a dyslexia screening test, then this indicates that you think you have a reading problem. However, you may wish for some sort of confirmation prior to taking the step of approaching a professional body for a more formal assessment.
A dyslexia screening test will ask you to perform certain tasks to establish what your particular problem is. Such tasks may involve short rhyming tests which may take the form of being asked to say which word rhymes with 'hat' from 'bit', 'mat' or 'car' for example. You may be asked to write down spoken words. It may also surprise you to find number tasks included to. This is because a difficulty with numbers are often found alongside reading problems.
The word 'dyslexia' tends to be used to include the different types of reading deficits Within the term dyslexia, you must realise that there are different types of reading problems for each person. Such problems will manifest in the different ways in which you read.
In broad terms, it is possible you have more problems with words that do not follow the traditional spelling-to-sound rules, such as the word 'steak', however, you may be able to read made-up words such as 'shulz'. In contrast, you may be OK with words such as 'steak', but find the made-up words more difficult. Why this discrepancy occurs is widely debated within the academic world on various grounds, as are the different theories of how we read. A basic guide to reading theories will be the subject of another article as this may help people understand the deficit better.
Dyslexia is more complex with adults as, having grown up with a reading deficit; they may have learnt to compensate for it in additional other ways.
Dyslexia screening tests can be found online and will also offer you useful advice. It is important to remember that should the test indicate possible dyslexia, an individual assessment will be far more specific and useful. Whoever the professional is who tests you, they will also be able to suggest tasks for your to practice that may help you cope better in the future.
An online dyslexia screening test is a good way to avoid feeling embarrassed before you have to! However, you should not feel embarressed, as the professionals you deal with are fully aware of your feelings; the years you have spent trying to avoid reading out loud in public, the other difficulties you have had as well as the courage it takes for you to actually be there.
Get smart, get those questions answered that have plagued you for years.
About the Author:
There are very few online tests of this type, but our dyslexia screening test recommendation can be found at www.testfordyslexia.org. This test has been endorsed by the British Dyslexia Institute.
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