How Funny Apparel Grew Up

By Nicholas Bendis

When the word "t-shirt" was first coined, it was as nothing more than the cut-off top of a set of long-john underwear. It took many, many years for anyone to stop thinking of tees as anything other than a man's undergarment, but when it happened it happened in a big way. People realized that t-shirts were comfortable and easy to wear, as opposed to the multiple layers of the past. Tees became super popular in no time at all, and it wasn't long before people wanted to make them better. Decorating these clothes were the next logical step.

In the baby days of funny slogans, the designs were pretty basic. If you have eyeballs, then you have seen the classic "smiley face" t-shirt from the late 60's. This shirt got immensely popular and it represented what people thought a funny shirt should be like. It was simple, and lots of them were home made. It wasn't until someone started producing them professionally that the design became super popular.

The 70's and 80's were dominated by music. Rock and roll was everywhere, and the clothing had to reflect that cultural obsession. Bands started using the common t-shirt as a medium for revenue and advertising. If you loved a band, then you had to have the t-shirt that they sold. It wasn't enough to listen to the music and attend the concerts. You had to now prove that you were a loyal fan by sporting the band's logo everywhere. There was not enough room for the tees we know today during this time, but many bands did have shirts that were pretty hilarious.

Sometimes when something is born again, it seems to rise from the ashes of its near demise as a fiery phoenix that is beautiful and profound. This is not what happened when funny tees came back from being choked out by band shirts in the 70's and 80's. The 90's were here, and the general attitude in the 90's was that of brash offensiveness and speaking your mind, no matter what you were thinking. These new shirts were terrible, and not even particularly funny. They typically veered toward low-brow toilet humor about getting drunk and chasing women. Every time one of these shirts shows up on a local news program is a blow to our shared psyche.

While there are plenty of places that are still selling offensive apparel, the new millennium has brought with it an increased intelligence. Blame it on the Internet, but people generally want to seem smarter than the silly shirts of the 90's. Now, shirts are modeling themselves after the movies and television that are being produced. Many of these designs are not only incredibly funny, but really quite good looking too.

Hopefully, the world of fashion will not be dragged down by the sins of the past and continue onward in this way for many years to come. When I wear humorous t-shirts now, the sharpened wit of these shirts transfers over to me. People think I am much more gregarious, witty, and cool than I actually am because of the shirts I wear. I guess, in a way, I deserve some of that credit because I did pick the design out, of course.

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