The Famous Woolly Mammoth

By Joe Wilhelm

Woollies are really famous. They have appeared in numerous films, cartoons, books and Television/network specials. A partial list of credits include: Ice Age and Ice Age: The Downfall, Walking With Beasts (BBC), Prehistoric Park, and even 2 of the Transformer toys (Gigantic Convoy and Universe) turn into Woolly Mammoths.

Woollies went extinct about 11,500 years back living on today in films and literature, legend and much cave art, and of course as highly cherished fossils. Fossils range anywhere from a total skeleton taking up a whole room in space, to a single molar tooth that may be easily held in one hand. The most well-liked woolly fossil is maybe a totally untouched tusk making a dramatic statement in any space it is displayed. Continually tiny pieces of tusk are recovered and cut and polished to form standard ivory jewelry pieces. Less frequently complete bone fossils are found, with leg bones making an especially dramatic statement in a ton less space than needed for a woolly mammoth tusk.

Plenty of the so called mega-fauna (extremely big animals) of the last ice age experienced a gradual global extinction between 5,000 to 40,000 years back. The changing climate forever altered the nature of their habitat, changing the amount and kinds of food sources available. Where there had formerly been pasturelands, forests began to grow seriously impacting the woolly mammoth and other huge plant eaters. Woollies were simply unable to evolve at the speed their changing environment. The average gestation period for a baby woolly was nearly 2 years, and the parent mammoth frequently raised the calf for around 3 years before she again conceived. This total time of 5 years per child cycle slowed the animals adaptation to its changing environment, with a result that woolly mammoths were extinct in all but a little Siberian island around 11,500 years ago..and even the little band of Siberian island mammoths ceased to be around 4,000 years ago.

Woollies were quite huge, mammoth in fact. An adult male stood up to 11 feet tall at the shoulder and weighed in around 6 tons. An adult female was bit daintier about nine feet tall, weighing in at a slinky 3-4 tons. Everything about the animals was large including an appetite that needed eating 400 pounds of food a day causing an almost as huge quantity of dung at the end of the eating cycle. Adult male tusks were sometimes around 8 feet long for a male and 4-5 feet long for an adult female.

Bull woolly mammoths lived a principally solitary life after they reached adultness in their early teens, visiting females only during the mating cycle and otherwise shifting for themselves. Female woollies from the other viewpoint were awfully social animals, living together in little herds following in the steps of the oldest, most experienced matriarch and collaborating to raise their young.

Woolly mammoth tusks are sometimes called fossil ivory. Very like a modern elephant, the woollies tusks were made from ivory and after lying in the permafrost for one or two thousands of years are occasionally in ok shape to make some really unique ivory based jewelry. Unlike elephant tusks there aren't any legal issues or restrictions in using fossil woolly mammoth tusks. And while jewelry is an especially pretty and chic usage of the tusks, the most dramatic use is when a whole male mammoth tusk is put on view in an office or den. A 8 foot tusk weighs about 100 pounds and makes a splendidly amazing addition to any individual cave decor.

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