Role Played By A Business Image Coach In Shaping The Performance Of The Employees

By Chloe Gib

Organizations operate in a dynamic environment during the contemporary period hence an individual acting as business image coach is important with regards to training and development of employees. Whilst every company is concerned with achieving certain goals, it can be noted that the ever changing environments in which they operate make it imperative for constant development of employees.

Coaching is specially designed to allow new employees in particular to learn their job by understudying a seasoned veteran in order to gain experience as well as skills from this person. A coach helps to model other people so that they can develop a positive attitude towards their work. This helps in directing their efforts towards the attainment of the desired goals.

The leaders are expected to impart new knowledge to the junior employees through their guidance in the workplace. The workers with less experience are also expected to observe the experienced workers so that they can acquire knowledge that can significantly improve their operations.

An effective leader has to lead by example since this improves his coaching skills. For instance, he should be open to all the employees and tries to motivate them to face the challenges they may encounter in their operations. Coaches should be accommodative to different employees so that they develop a positive attitude towards the organization.

Leadership coaches put measures in place that are meant to enable them to share a vision that is set for the company with other employees. The performance of the employees can be improved since they will try to direct their effort toward the attainment of the goals for the company. Without a clear vision to follow, it may be difficult for an organization to survive in a dynamic environment.

It can be noted that some people are concerned with goals for the company alone and this may negatively impact on the employees since they may not be motivated in their operations. A coach has to motivate the employees to share the same vision with the leadership of the organization and this ultimately improves the image of the company through optimum performance of a united workforce.

Employee productivity is determined by the level of commitment to employee training and development by the leaders. Motivation is an important aspect that can significantly improve employee performance and this can be achieved through coaching. In any case, a business image coach plays a significant role in influencing the employees to follow a certain direction in the company.

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