Free Online Database on Illinois Criminal Records

By Claire Dowell

The State of Illinois holds a total population of 12,869,257 on July 1, 2011, according to the United States Census Bureau. It is the most populous state in the Midwest region. The state of Illinois is located in the Midwest Region of the United States of America. According to the Miami-Illinois language the name, Illinois is said to mean as man or men. Illinois State had a fast growth production of their agricultural products both presently in central and northern part of Illinois. Most of Illinois Public Records can be viewed by the public and some cannot be publicly viewed. This is because to Illinois Freedom of Information Act that was granted on the year of 1996, for the residents to be able to gain access to its own personal records and others as well. Public records including birth and death certificates, married, divorced records and Illinois Criminal Records.

On July 4, 1996 President Lyndon B. Johnson enacted the act of Freedom of Information Act and it went into effect throughout the following year. It is a federal freedom of information law that permits people for the partial or full disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the government. However not all are in favor of the act, some believe that certain types of records should be kept private and confidential. Records that are protected from disclosure by Federal or State law were not allowed to be viewed by the public. Anyone has the right to file a request to any local public body.

On January 1, 1991 the Illinois Uniform Conviction Act was recognize by the government. This law legalizes all people including state agencies and units of local government to have access to examine, inspect and reproduce such information. This law permits only conviction information to be disseminated to the public, so people can have a quick background check anytime and anywhere. The act declares that all criminal history conviction information that were collected and maintained by Illinois State Police be made available or open to the public.

It is in the Bureau of Identification where a Conviction Information request form is available as each of forms has its unique processing control number that can be seen in the top right corner. Always record the processing control number which is located in the top right hand corner of the request form. This number is used in tracking the status of the request form. The two types of forms are the non fingerprint request form and a fingerprint request form.

The fingerprint form can be used by any individual or agency to obtain fingerprint based conviction information about a person for any purpose. The fingerprint conviction information request form is used to initiate a fingerprint based record search of the Illinois State Police criminal history record information files. Any criminal history record information provided as a result of a fingerprint based criminal history record information search confirms positive identification of the subject to whom the fingerprints belong contained on the request form. Fee for processing a fingerprint requests cost $20.00 and $50.00 if the check is not drawn on a United States Bank.

The fingerprint conviction information request form is a fingerprint based that would be its basis to search on the State Police criminal history record information files. Any fingerprint that will match in any of criminal history record information provided confirms its positive identification of the subject to whom the fingerprints belong. The price for processing a Fingerprint request form is $20.00 and $50.00 for checks that are not drawn on United States banks. Free Criminal Records are usually found in public websites which offers free services but with lack of updated information about it.

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