Funny Animal Video and Pictures - Watch Many Nice Pictures

By Sarah Yang

Being territorial is par for the course for many animals, but often, as funny animal videos illustrate, it's surprising just which animals get the instinct, or just whom they're willing to chase off. In these videos, we have got a couple animals that have staked out a claim on their yard and are intrepid in their defense.

In the funny animal videos tortoises aren't exactly what you think about when you want a guard animal, but The Killer Tortoise sure knows how to defend its territory. Time upon time, this obstinate animal comes back for more as it tries to chase off a pussy-cat several times its own size. The cat makes it even funnier as it pounces, runs off, and then coolly lays down a short techniques away, only to have the entire scene repeated.

Some animals are braver than you'd think and others are even less so than you would expect. After wandering into one family's rear yard, a young black bear was chased up a tree by the family's cat in Guard Kitty. The cat patiently waited at the base of the tree, while the bear held on for dear life.

Animals can be sly often, but even then they can be caught, often with humorous results. This funny animal video, The Fridge Bandit, shows one daring outlaw caught on camera. A raccoon rambles in and heads directly to a mini-fridge, simply opens the door, and proceeds to ransack the contents for some late night nibbles. You can't help but think this raccoon must make this trip fairly often - of course , it knows exactly where to go with any hunting for the food stash.

Cats and muffins don't typically go together in most people's heads, but that does not stop one kitten from running off with a small plastic baggie full of muffins in Muffin Thief. The baggie is bigger than the kitten's head but that does not stop it from biting in and pulling the bag off, while attempting to sneak past its owners to a secret feeding spot.

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