Dealing with the dog's lick sores

By Jerry Welsh

Dogs lick - a lot because like barking, scratching and chewing, licking is innate in dogs. However, it would be the concern of the dog owner if these natural behaviors become excessive. Lick sores also known as lick granuloma, or acral lick dermatitis is one of the results of excessive licking.

This condition would start when the dog incessantly licks a spot. The constant rubbing of the raspy tongue will eventually harden the skin; remove the hair and make the spot red and shiny. Because the skin has hardened, it will be insensitive to the incessant licking of the dog until the skin breaks and becomes infected.

Lick sores are commonly found on the wrist of the front legs and on the area above the paw of the hind legs. This skin concern is most common in short haired dog breeds like Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Irish Setter and in Golden Retrievers. Lick sores usually start from fungal or bacterial infection or when a spot bitten by an insect or a flea is persistently licked by the dog. The lick sores can have a psychogenic origin as it often occurs in single pets that are left alone most of the time. For want of better things to do, a bored dog would lick any part of the body to while away the time.

Eliminating the dog's lick sores is kind of difficult as there is no single effective method given the fact that this skin concern can arise from various causes. The tendency of the dog to lick the affected spot worsens the condition. To totally eliminate the problem, treatment must be focused on eliminating the causative factor before the skin lesions are treated.

Lick sores can be a headache because the lesions recur. Laser surgery is the popular method of treating lick sores. This costly treatment method becomes ineffective when the dog starts to lick again. The lesion can be treated with antibiotic and other topical ointments. The dog owner can modify the dog's licking habit by using some effective methods. Bandaging the affected leg will prevent the pet from mutilating the lesion. Bitter apple, Tabasco and other bad tasting substances can stop the dog's self mutilating habit. An Elizabethan collar can be used as well.

As lick sores are hard to cure it would be best to prevent the development of the lesions. The owner has to keep an eye on the dog and once signs of excessive licking are noticed, the preventive measures must be applied.

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