You Could Be Constipation Because Of These Diseases

By Gary Ruth

When people suffer from constipation they tend to get advice that they may be lacking in fiber intake or not drinking sufficient water. Most times this advice may be true but in some cases the constipation could be result of some other diseases and conditions which may be affecting the bowels. These diseases affect the digestive system indirectly and cause constipation.

Parkinson's Disease -Most of the people who are affected by this disease are over the age of 50 though many other people who are below this age may also suffer from this condition. When certain portion of the brain like the central section is affected it can cause this disease and the common symptoms are finger and hands shaking and loss of balance. Constipation is also one of the side effects of this disease.

Multiple Sclerosis - In this disease the covering the nerves are destroyed due to which there can be inflammation of the nerves. When the nerves are exposed they can be attacked by either germs or even the white blood cells due to which the various muscles and the tissues do not work. This can include the muscles of the digestive system also.

Diabetes - One of the major reasons for constipation is Diabetes. When you suffer for a long time from this disease it can start causing this disease. When we suffer from diabetes for a long time the excess blood sugar starts getting deposited in the arteries and the nerves and that can damage the flow of blood to various organs and also reduce the sensitivity. The muscles of the gut also become less sensitive and do not work properly.

Gout - Usually gout occurs when there is excess of uric acid in the blood which can cause painful joints and in the long term damage to the nerves and since the intestinal muscles are also affected it caused constipation and other bowel problems. To control this disease the uric acid levels need to be brought down with the help of medicines.

Spinal Cord Injuries - Spinal cord is the source of many nerves which control the functioning of many organs. Usually accidents can cause damage to the spinal cord. Whenever there is injury to the spinal cord that causes problems in the connected organs. If certain section of the spinal cord is injured and that is related to intestines and the colon we can suffer from constipation.

Some other conditions which can become reasons for constipation can include problems in thyroid glands also.

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