Avoid Expensive Replacement By Maintaining A Septic Tank Snohomish

By Ora Scott

Many homes use a septic tank Snohomish to provide effective treatment of waste water that occupants produce. The tanks use the power of friendly bacteria to break down solid materials and filter water that passes to the drain field. The tanks protect both ground and surface waters from the biohazard that would otherwise cause contamination.

It is important that owners of these systems are careful about what is flushed into tanks. Products made of latex, baby wipes and feminine protection products are not effectively broken down by the process. Flushing these materials will make it necessary to have a system pumped sooner than if they were disposed in other manners.

Avoid use of products that claim to increase the effectiveness of the system. These products are ineffective and may cause harm to a system. They may actually interfere with bacterial action or increase the potential for groundwater pollution. Some products can cause early failure of the drain field, resulting in expensive repairs.

Regular pumping of tanks ensures they continue to work as they should. Pumping is helpful as it prevents the solid materials that remain in tanks from leaking into the drain field. Tanks that are pumped on a regular basis can last for many years without. It is best to pump tanks before a problem develops in order to ensure the best health of the system.

The surface area drain field itself should also be protected. Avoid driving equipment and automobiles over the area to prevent compression of soil. Building, decks and other structures should not be built over the field. Grass is the only safe landscaping for the area.

A septic tank Snohomish provides effective treatment of waste water on the property where the home is located. Homeowners should take proper care of the system to prevent failure. Replacement can be expensive, making protection of the system a good investment.

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