Tinnitus Treatments to Relieve Your Symptoms

By Graeme Teague

It is never easy trying to find the right treatment for any problem or discomfort you may be experiencing, and this includes finding a solution for tinnitus. Whether you received your treatment options from the store or your doctor, many times you will probably meet with failure. Tinnitus simply is not understood as to what causes it, therefore treating it is difficult. That doesn't mean you can't find a good treatment, though; it just means you may have to try lots of techniques before you find the right one.

Tinnitus can be controlled to some degree with medications that your doctor will prescribe for you. Tinnitus can actually be diminished to some degree, especially the ringing or buzzing noise, by taking drugs usually prescribed to diabetics. For example, if you are suffering from depression of any sort, your anti-depression pills may actually help ease the symptoms of tinnitus. Most medications that you take not work 100% of the time, and likewise, these same pills may or may not help your particular variety of tinnitus. A side effect that may occur may be increased ringing in your ears, something you need to contact your doctor about right away.

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe certain drugs to help control your tinnitus. These may be drugs that are used to treat an underlying medical condition, such as hypertension or diabetes, or to treat the tinnitus symptoms directly. For example, if you are suffering from depression of any sort, your anti-depression pills may actually help ease the symptoms of tinnitus. As with any medication that you take, even if it has a proven track record for most people, there is no guarantee that these drugs will help any of your problems. Once you began taking any type of drug for tinnitus and its symptoms, stay in constant contact with your doctor in case things get worse instead of better. There are some who think that it isn't possible to cure tinnitus so they don't seek any help at all. Don't do this--your tinnitus symptoms could be an indicator of a different medical condition that you need to treat medicinally. For example, wouldn't you want to know if your tinnitus was a result of hypertension--a condition that, when not treated properly, can be fatal? It's also possible that through the course of treating your illness you'll both cure your tinnitus and build a happier and healthier body for yourself to live in. So though you may not get your tinnitus cured directly during a doctor visit, you are able to both rule out that it is caused by something bigger and/or treat the something bigger that is causing the condition (which should clear it up as well).

Another alternative is to use supplements, such as vitamins and minerals, to augment the positive change in the tinnitus that you are suffering from. You should actually look at your everyday diet and see if it provides you with the necessary daily amounts of vitamins and minerals that you need. Using a combination of zinc, magnesium, and B. complex vitamins has been proven to help alleviate tinnitus-based symptoms. The ringing in your ears caused by tinnitus may actually be improved or reduced by taking melatonin supplements. Ginko Biloba, which is commonly taken to help prevent memory loss, is also reputed to help relieve tinnitus symptoms. Though there are many good B. vitamins in the complex itself, B12 is the one you want to use to reduce the noise within your ears. If you shop at natural foods stores or search online, you may also be able to find specific formulas that contain a combination of ingredients made to treat tinnitus.

Brainwave therapy and other sound based solutions are being used to tackle those that suffer with tinnitus even if they are on a vitamin and mineral-based regimen. Although science has provided some solutions, there are many more available that are holistic and that have come down through the ages that may help us even more. You can battle and win against tinnitus through perseverance and trying a variety of solutions that may eventually remove this debilitating condition.

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