Why Moisturizer Is Important If You Go Tanning

By Paul T. Lotierzo

If you are like me then you know how good it feels to go tanning. In the summer I practically live outdoors and I soak up as many rays as I can without frying to a crisp. In the winter I go to tanning salons to maintain a healthful bronze glow. For someone like me it is important to take skincare and moisturizer use seriously. UV rays have some positive elements for the skin but they can also do considerable damage very quickly.

There are a few skincare techniques you can do to maintain healthy skin while you tan. The most significant moisturizer for your skin is water. Tanning will severely dehydrate your skin. To prevent dehydration you should drink a bottle of water immediately after you tan or while you are at the beach. Whether you sweat a lot or not while tanning, UV rays will dry you out. In addition to drinking water you should apply a skin moisturizer after you tan. I use aloe vera or cacao butter when I go tanning and I find that they are amazing. Aloe vera was first developed as a skincare product and moisturizer by the ancient Greeks. They discovered aloe vera's properties as a great moisturizer for dry skin and burns. Cacao butter is a good skincare product and moisturizer too but some dermatologists state that it clogs pores.

You should also make sure to give your skin a break in between tanning sessions. You should minimize exposure to the sun for two or three days after an intense tanning session. Tanning all the time can cause serious and possibly irreversible skin damage. The last thing you want while tanning is to damage your skin. The goal when tanning is to look and feel awesome.

I love the sun and in the summer I tan a lot. But I use moisturizer all the time and damage to my skin has been minimal. Even damage from sun poisoning can be healed with proper skincare and moisturizer. Moisturizer is especially critical if you have acne prone facial skin. To a degree UV rays can help acne prone skin because it will dry up oils on the skin that clog pores and cause pimples. But be careful not to burn your face because this will lead to more acne problems later on.

There are a multiplicity of reasons why I cannot wait for summer to return. One reason is that the sun is free and the tanning salon can become a drain on your wallet. To me summer means beach adventures and concerts in the sun. It also means sand between my toes and skateboarding. But summer also means skin damage so do not forget the moisturizer when you spend the day in the sun.

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