Breeding Ducks - Critical Tips To Aid You Start The Right Way

By Mary Louise

Ducks have many types of breeds and, depending on what you need, they also have their own unique qualities that can help make your venture in keeping ducks a success. Breeding ducks is not only a means of livelihood, it can be a source of diversion and learning as well. Below are some useful information for those who are looking into this path.

For those who wish to breed ducks for ornamental purposes, you may want breed Call ducks. There are the Gray Call Duck and the White Call Duck. While it is deemed as a poor egg layer, those who wish to display in poultry shows can use this duck, hence, its' being tagged as ornamental. Their distinct characteristics seem to be that they are smaller and shorter than the average breed.

The Cayuga is also known as the Large Black Duck and is known for its hardiness and for being a good egg layer, with eggs that are brown in color. When breeding ducks for livelihood purposes, the Cayuga Duck breed is one of the best breeds to consider. It is easy to fatten, thus, it also provides good meat. It is, however, also recognized as a 'threatened' duck breed.

The Crested Domestic Duck Breed is also excellent if you are breeding ducks for eggs. They are excellent egg layers and it only takes 28 days for their eggs to hatch. If they grow into adulthood, though, they are said to weigh up to seven pounds. However, ducklings that hatch without their crests properly forming tend to die as their brains end up being exposed. Their duck feed does not need to have any modifications.

The Pekin Duck breed is said to be the most popular in North America. When breeding ducks for meat, the Pekin Duck is your breed of choice. Weighing 8 pounds for females and 9 pounds for males, this breed proves to be very good for the commercial market.Pekin Ducks are supposedly not well-suited for egg-laying. Still, their eggs are also put on the market and are said to be able to lay as much as 200 eggs a year or even more. They are also able to eat ordinary duck feed. At average, the Pekin duck's eggs will only take 28 days to hatch, although it is recommended that you use an incubator when hatching eggs. In short, if you want to breed ducks, you must know their different breeds and their unique characteristics.

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