Interesting And Innovating Ideas For Mobile Marketing Campaigns

By John Miguel

Mobile marketing gives you access to millions of mobile device users that may not respond to other types of marketing. Mobile phones are extremely popular and most customers own one.

Add mobile friendly maps and correlating directions to your mobile website. A lot of people use mobile devices to track down brick and mortar stores in their area. Create an easy way for your customers to reach you. Verify that your maps translate well on mobile units. Create a link to take users directly to Google Maps to get directions.

Use an integrated suite of marketing approaches to get your message out with maximum impact. As an example, you can send mail out to customers letting them know about a sale you will be having. Try sending an email a week ahead of time and then send a text the day before.

Make yourself a mission statement that is more about what your purpose is more than anything else to be successful in mobile marketing. You will be less likely to stray into unproductive strategies if you give yourself a clear reminder of your principles.

Try to target your audience's wants and needs before using a campaign on them. Your customer will be delighted to receive discounts on items that they really need or want.

You need to have a home base if you are developing a mobile platform that will stand alone. Use your mobile presence to increase traffic to your home base and to keep in contact with current customers. Your business should be focused around your home base, not around your mobile platform. The two of these should complement each other.

Think about creating an application for smartphones that is related to your business. Applications that gives people tips and tricks are very popular. Use the app to direct users to your website through links, or profit directly through the sales of the app.

Instead of sharing short codes, buy them for your individual use. Although, it can be costly, it is linked to your company brand. Before long, savvy surfers will start to remember your short code. Using another company's short code can also get you into legal trouble. You will be in hot water if you are associated with a company that decides to somehow use the system in a negative manner.

Keep your mobile campaign simple and useful to your audience. It is important to consider how long it takes to fill out the forms on any application a consumer could potentially use. Filling out paperwork online is simple but filling out the same form on a smartphone can be more tedious. It should be extremely simple to put themselves on a mailing list.

Do not overdo your use of mobile marketing, or customers may get annoyed. With what you learned today you should formulate your new and unique strategy when it comes to mobile marketing. Your efforts will result in new customers and increased business.

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