Different Kinds Of Brain Chemicals

By Shari Swanson

A person's body is made up of a complex network of cells, organs, and systems. What controls and regulates all of them is the nervous system. The nervous system, in turn, is being aided by the different brain chemicals. These substances are mainly responsible for communicating signals coming from one nerve cell to another.

Also known as neurotransmitters, there are many types of these substances that are produced by the body. The major transmitters are serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Other examples are endorphins, glutamate, amino aminobutyric acid or GABA.

One substance that is very important in the body would be serotonin. It is the one of the neurotransmitters linked to the feeling of happiness or in making someone feel good. A decrease in this substance can cause irritability, fatigue, and depression. Tryptophan is the substance from which it was derived from.

If serotonin can affect a person's feeling, dopamine is a neurotransmitter capable of affecting a person's body movement. Dopamine, however, is still linked to the ability to feel pleasure or pain. If there is an imbalance, chances are you will have a problem with moving and with your gait.

Another major neurotransmitter is norepinephrine. This is very famous for having a great role in the flight or fight response. Released in the adrenal glands, emergency situations are what trigger its release. It can make ones heart rate go faster and makes the body produce more energy.

Any kind of deficiency or even an excess in one of these neurotransmitters can cause health problems. This has been linked to various mental health problems. This can cause physical problems as well. Just a few these problems are weight problems, migraines, and mood problems.

These brain chemicals play a very important role in achieving optimum health. Fortunately, problems related to it can now be solved with the help of many treatment modalities. This would include therapies, natural supplements, and drugs.

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