Fix Your Own Heating System

By Sam Mills

With the cooler days of the end of the year right around the corner there is no better time to get your heater system checked out and operating in tip-top shape before you need every day. No matter what kind of heat system your home has, you'll want to be sure it is ready to last through the cold season. The primary step to keeping warm this winter is to prepare your heat system for lots of constant usage. If your heat does stop working in the middle of the winter months then here are 3 steps you can take before hiring the repairman:

Confirm that your temperature gauge is set correctly: It might be a prudent idea for you to pick a cool day to test your heating system to make sure you remember how to turn it on and off before winter arrives. Knowing how to use an automatic thermostat is very important. There are many different types of electronic and mechanical temperature gauges available and some of them are not easy to read.

Be sure you have not popped a fuse: You might need to call an electrician if your heating system seems to blow a fuse more than once, because that could be a sign of a bigger and potentially more dangerous electrical issue in your house. No matter what kind of heating system you have some type of electricity is probably required. A simple blown home breaker could stop your heat from coming on.

Consult the instruction manual: Store the written steps in a nearby desk drawer that close to your temperature gauge. If you have a manual for your thermostat then you should read that at the first hint of trouble. If you don't, then you should probably think about writing down some instructions in case you need to tell someone else how to turn your heat on or off in an emergency.

Heating systems use a number of different kinds of fuel from oil, to natural gas to electricity. The tips above are just some of the many heater trouble shooting steps you can take. Heat furnaces are complex mechanical devices that are designed to keep you warm and run without problems for many years, but they do need repairs from time to time. If you're not comfortable with any of these heating troubleshooting steps, don't hesitate to call in a heating professional. If you are trapped without heat in your house then play it safe and get to a neighbor's home that does have heat or at try to use an electrical room heater as a temporary way to stay warm.

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