Tips for Motorbike Trips

By Nia Lawrence

Every motorbike owner should try to have at least one cross country trip on their bike. There is nothing as exciting as getting on your motorbike, packing your motocross bags and riding the highway to your destination. Before you embark on your first cross country trip, you need to make sure that perform the necessary preparations.

If you want to have a fun and accident-free trip, it is important that you plan your next cross country motocross trip well. Motorcycle trips will demand more preparation than trips using a car. The thrills and freedoms of the traveling on your motorbike will require you to think ahead if you want to travel in relative ease. The following are some points to consider before you are going on a cross country trip on your motocross bike.

Before leaving on your trip make sure to have your bike inspected by a mechanic or bike specialist. A well-maintained motorbike will not only look aesthetically-pleasing like colorful graphics kits on a bike, but it will guarantee that your cross country trip will be accident-free. Inspect if your break and clutch controls are working. Test if your headlights and brake lights are lighting up. Replace your brake fluids, oils, and other liquids if they are not in the adequate levels needed for a long trip. Check of your suspension, and your bike stand is good working order. Lastly, make sure that your tires are inflating properly and that you have tire repair kit in your gear.

Likewise, knowing how many days you will travel on the bike will also help you with planning your route. Even if it sounds quite tempting to just head off the beaten track when travelling on your bike, you should make sure to set different places where you can eat, sleep and rest. Moreover, just in case you get into minor accidents or mechanical problems, you should remember to mark different places where you can get mechanical and medical attention on your map. Likewise, since you will be vulnerable to the different weather conditions, it is important that you prepare weather-proof riding gloves, jacket and motorcross boots.

Moreover, it is very crucial that you have your bike inspected before you travel cross country on it. Have a mechanic check if your suspension and chassis are in good working conditions. Check if your bike stand is retracting properly. Likewise, ask your mechanic to assess the condition of your tires. Make sure that they are inflating properly and are still road-worthy for a long trip. Make sure to pack a flat repair kit and a pressure gauge. Check if your brake and your clutch controls are all working. Ask your mechanic to replace any parts that are broken. A road-worthy motorbike will not only look great like new graphics kits on a bike, but it will make your trip easier as well. You need to remember that even if cross country riding will require a certain amount of planning and discipline, you need to be flexible enough to make changes.

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