My Experience Of How EHR Made Things Simpler For Me

By Samela B. Baird

The methods in which practitioners handle patient care is improving due to EHR programs. Haven't you frequently thought how much easier it would be if you were able to simply email a question to your doctor instead of dealing with an answering service after hours? How many times have you wished that you could view your test results without waiting for the doctor or nurse to call? It would be wonderful to make appointments through the Web verses having to make a phone call.

When you're using Web-based medical EHR software, all of these abilities are literally at your fingertips! Programs like this are very secure so that no one can gain control of your account and they're very simple to navigate. You'll need to register a password and a user nickname just as you would any other Web-base program. These measures make it hard to hack into your account. Patient confidentiality is protected since EHR systems have to follow the strict rules of HIPPA.

There are so many chores that everybody has to get done on a daily basis. Time is a valuable commodity and having the ability to check over your medical information and schedule appointments at your leisure or while you're already at the computer is really convenient. This also limits the amount of time your doctor's office personnel must talk on the phone, allowing them more face-to-face time with patients. EHR programs are also beneficial for the environment since they cut down on the amount of paperwork and reduce the need for actual hard copy files.

Continue reading to find out some additional rewards of using EHR systems. Record keeping is much more accurate with a program like this and it's a lot faster to get refills on your meds through it. Also, Web-based medical EHR software allows you to access your file on any computer, making it convenient to keep in touch with your physician when you're on a vacation or a business trip.

You won't believe how terrific these systems are once you begin using them. EHR lets the patient stay in close contact with their doctor so that they can choose the best course of action for better patient care.

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