The Source, Indicators And Prevention Of Constipation In Infants

By Shannon Carvaldo

This condition is usually rarely seen in babies as compared with the adults. Constipation in infants is a condition which not experienced by those babies who are still being breastfed. The breast milk is easy to digest thus the baby is able to use the all of it. This means that there are no leftovers to be excreted thus the baby will not have bowel movement. This situation comes about when the infant starts consuming solid foods or is fed with food formulas.

It is difficult for the digestive system of the baby to digest any other forms of food such as formulas or milk since they are used to the soft breast milk. This means that when they start consuming these products, they will experience major bowel movements. This should not worry anyone because they will get over it.

There are many causes of such conditions. But as usual others are more dangerous than others. It has been determined that substances which are rich in or are high in iron are very dangerous to infants because they induce extreme bowel movements. Iron is mostly present in dairy products such as cheese and butter.

Other types of substances that produce this situation are diets which have low percentage of fiber. The diet can then be changed so as to reduce the rate and the pain caused by the constipation.

Children who are above the age of eighteen months may have a lot of reasons that may make them have bowel movements. For example, they may have had various experiences that will make them avoid the toilet. Another one is that while in school they may be concerned with their privacy thus will not go to the toilet. The other reason is that they could be so involved in playing that they forget to go to the toilets thus will have to constipate due to holding on.

The children that are at a age below four months may be fed with foods like juices that mainly contain apples or grapes. Those who are above this age and are showing the signs of constipating can be given fiber rich meals such as oat, cereals and spinach. This will help contain the situation. There are also other fruits that are rich in fiber which are recommended, for example plums. These juices though are low in required nutrients thus should not be used as the main food.

Changing the diet of the infant works but there are also other ways of alleviating the condition. There are several exercises that help relieve the pain caused by the constipation. Tummy massage is one of them. The baby can also be given a warm bath then be given the bicycle legs exercise which will be able to align the tissues.

The warm bath is good because it will help relieve the bloated feeling which the baby has. The belly massage is done in a procedural manner. For example, it must be started from the navel moving outwards. All these options that have been discussed are very useful and the parents should make sure that they understand all these procedures.

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