Five Steps to Healthy Eating

By Sandra Zane

It doesn't matter if you're a teenager, a college student, or a senior citizen, the very basis of a healthy life style is a healthy diet and exercise. When we eat healthy we feel better. So how can you eat a more healthy diet? Below are five simple tips for a better diet.

Eat your fruits and veggies. It is recommended that about half of what is on your plate is fruits and vegetables. Different fruit and vegetables have different nutritional value, so make an effort to eat a variety, as opposed to a lot of a single food.

Cut back on fats. But do not try to eliminate fat from your diet. Fats are necessary for several body processes like absorbing fat soluble vitamins and brain function. Your diet should include enough Omega 3 fatty acids which are the good fats, and you should try to avoid eating trans-fats or hydrogenated oils. Make good choices like cooking with olive oil and canola oils and eating lower fats options like low-fat sour cream and low-fat cream cheese.

Limit your sweets and processed foods. Sure, sweets taste great but have no nutritional value. Sugar is converted easily to fat, and prepackaged baked goods often have the unhealthy trans-fats. For the most, part prepackaged, processed foods contain chemical preservatives which, of course, are not healthy.

Read labels. Make sure you know what you are putting in your mouth. You might be surprised when you read the ingredients in the foods you eat, as well as their nutritional value. You need to make smart choices about the food you eat.

Don't be fooled by "diet" foods that contain artificial sweeteners. These artificial sweeteners are chemicals. Not only is it unhealthy to eat chemicals, but artificial sweeteners do nothing to help break the addiction to sweets. Eating smaller portions of food, that is made with natural sugars, is a much better option.

It is easy to find healthy eating options today. You don't need to go to health food stores or specialty stores - everything you need is probably in your local supermarket. The Internet is a great resource for information and recipes. So, you really have no excuse. Make the change. Start today!

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