New Model Leaks

By Madison Foster

This latest design works just fine, but it does take up a bit more space than is absolutely necessary, in my suitcase. New pictures today do not show any indication that the problem has been fixed.

What is the difference between models 6131, 6141, 6170, and some others? Great value too!

If the water was already heated, then its a good way to get a nasty scald. Small and compact, just what I needed for my desk!

It is also too small for me to slide my teapot under, meaning I have the same problem of transferring the hot water from cup to pot. I had the original model in white that was made in the USA, and it lasted twelve years, and worked perfectly. If it ever breaks down, I'll get another in a flash. We had an older model white one for years and don't know how we ever got by without it. However, I haven't found that the leftover water gets messy or funky or anything (it has been heated to boiling, so nothing will grow in it if you leave the lid closed until you add more for the next cup). The only negative comment I have for my 1 1/2 year old model is that the dispensing button is made of plastic, and the connecting hinges have bent and broken. My son mentioned he had a Hot Shot Pot packed away in the basement along with all the stuff he moved out of his dorm room. The new design is also shorter than all of the previous Hot Shot models I have owned.

Living in a rural area, I have not been able to find this product in a local retail store, so I was delighted to find it online. Love that it goes so well in my stainless & black kitchen. It is a very handy kitchen tool to have for someone who wants a quick cup of tea or instant oatmeal. It still works though, so it's not hitting the trash until the new one arrives. At any rate, I decided to buy a new one. I have turned several friends on to the hot shot. Saves heating a stove burner for a cup or two. It's done in 90 seconds.

I sent it back and received a second one which never worked correctly. Remove the tacky warning label on the top. It takes up little space on my counter top and is not so ugly that I am repulsed when I look at it. Small and compact, just what I needed for my desk!

Apparently Sunbeam looked for ways to cut costs and a substandard product is the result.

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