Game On with Jim Bunch along with the Ultimate Game of Life

By Valentino Crawford

Game On!

Celebrated life coach Jim Bunch says to Jack, "Gimme 10 push-ups correct now!" (There's a funny story behind that & I'll show you the video clip in just a moment.) Does it surprise you to know that Jack Canfield, co-author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series "The Success Principles" was a player in the Ultimate Game of Life?

"What is the Ultimate Game of Life?"

Nicely, it has been touted by experts for being the "#1 Transformational Coaching Program on the planet". And it was designed over 10 yrs ago by Jim Bunch for making creating wealth, health, and happiness FUN as well as simple.

"Who's Jim Bunch?"

He's a 20 year veteran coach and entrepreneur who's helped over 10,000 players grow their wealth, be in the very best shape of their lives, and produce more joy and happiness in their lives.

You might be wondering why you've never aware of this guy. Well, it's actually not an accident, it's by design. The truth is, he does not want Your ability to succeed to be about HIM. He does not want to be a "guru", he's simply made the most transparent & effective environment for players to WIN.

Exactly what can you study from some guy who's helped design coaching programs for Anthony Robbins and Associates, Jack Canfield, John Asaraaf, Harv Eker, and Alex Mandossian and others?

Ninety day Success Challenge

You'll find a unique opportunity to attend a live, 60 minute mini-workshop with Jim where he reveals some startling revelations uncovered by surveying & tracking over 10,000 players daily actions within his Ultimate Game of Life 90 Day Success Challenge.

Wouldn't it make sense if every self improvement program actually tracked the performance of their players to PROVE that it worked? Well Jim along with his team have done exactly that, as they definitely have a huge vision... Their vision is to transform the transformation industry. (Which incidentally, hasn't REALLY changed in many years.)

But it starts off with you.

You already know how frustrating and difficult it happens to be in many goal-setting programs because they are attempting to use willpower and force to cause you to do stuff aren't comfortable.

What can You Learn about the Ultimate Game of Life?

In the webinar, Jim will explain why raw willpower fails, and the way you could make simple shifts inside your "Environments", achieving your goals of prosperity & abundance get a lot easier.

Most programs will tell you you will want to change something concerning your life, or transform your life. Jim Bunch will convince you that every single one of us is definitely designed perfectly. There is nothing we should change about any one us and you simply know deep-down in your soul.

Lots of individuals simply are not aware of who they are, they do not know their strengths, gifts, and talents. And they also do not know precisely what the best environments permit succeed.

You know what? I'll just give it to you straight...

All of these programs that are telling you that you have to change yourself or else you really should transform yourself are completely bogus. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!!!

See, what Jim Bunch does is combine his passion for technology, game mechanics, and personal achievement, to produce a coaching program which makes creating wealth, health, and happiness fun and uncomplicated inside a highly engaging, almost addictive, game-like environment.

So go watch this short video where you get to meet Jim and discover more about the upcoming mini webinar-workshop. Looking forward to seeing you on the webinar!

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