Gifts For World Of Warcraft Fan

By Fred Youngberg

World of Warcraft is one of the biggest MMORPG in the world where players try hard to earn World of Warcraft gold and do WOW powerleveling. There is no end to the amount of collectible items. Thus, with a large number of items to choose, it is not hard to find good gifts for World of Warcraft fans.

In-Game Pets in the Blizzard Store There is an online store provided to the players, welling collectibles for the fans. You can find special in-game vanity items in these collectibles, just like mounts and pets. Many fans of the game like to collect these items for getting points or just for sharing with their friends in the game. Every few months, a new mount or pet is released. Most of these are digital only, giving players an in-game code to get the items.

Research your spec. According to the current patch, some class specs offer higher dps outputs than others. Check the forums of the class on worldofwarcraft. com and see what other people have said about the relationship between spec and dps. You can also go to elitistjerks. com and get even more in depth calculations of why one spec may be a better choice.

The Latest Expansion Pack One of the most obvious gifts for a WOW fan is often the latest expansion pack. However , most of the true fans of the game will already buy the latest expansion pack in the times it's released.

Never ignore your rep. Certain DPS boosting pieces (like the Arcanums offered by the Knights of the Ebon Blade and the shouder enchant sold by the Sons of Hodir) require that you earn your reputation with the faction that offers the piece for sale before you buy it. These help a lot and every player who want to earn their character as much as they can should work on their rep with these factions to get them prior to they start to grind reputation in other places.

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