Look Younger And Feel Better About Yourself

By Crystal Powers

The Fountain of Youth may be mythology, but for men and women 40 and above, it is a reality they hope to achieve in terms of appearance. Unfortunately, many are choosing medical treatments rather than searching for more healthy alternatives.

There are some things you can do to look younger besides opting for injections of Botox or invasive surgeries like liposuction and face lifts. Take a look below at some of the "gentler" ways to seem younger than you really are:

Dress Your Age. You are not Dick Clark or Madonna - the average person will only look older and in fact, comical by adapting the same fashion as their children or grandchildren. You may be surprised but you could look youthful even if you dress in a manner befitting to your age.

Get Enough Sleep Getting enough sleep could help you look younger due to sleep's rejuvenation properties. Say goodbye to eye bags and most of the age lines caused by a lack of sleep. If you're in a habit of waking up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, try meditation or take the natural herb, melatonin before turning in for the night.

Your Diet Can Make You Younger. Overweight people grow obese in middle age due to the changes in your metabolism. Keep your weight on track, make your skin glow and your blood healthy by eating foods with beneficial properties.

Set Up An Exercise Regime Exercise needs to be enjoyable and fun, and you should exercise this way regularly to combat the effects of aging. No matter what exercise you choose, getting your body moving can drop the years from your body and mind.

Avoid Excessive Makeup You'll appear to be much younger than you really are if you use makeup more to enhance your natural assets rather than attempting to cover up the flaws. Get a professional makeup artist to show you how to apply your makeup in the best and most flattering way.

Choosing The Ideal Hairdo Are you still wearing your hair the same way as the original Charlie's Angels or the Bee Gees did in the late '70s? And is your hair already graying? Stop living in the past and see your local hairstylist to get a haircut that fits you while still looking modern enough.

Reduce Or Quit Smoking And Drinking If you smoke or drink too much alcohol, cut down or quit if possible. You'll only look older if you drink and smoke just as much as you did as a younger man or woman.

Having the right mental outlook is the last, and most important tip of all. To make the six other tips work, you need to channel positive energy and stop thinking so negatively about your age - and it always helps to smile whenever you could!

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