Getting The Needed Treatment For Emetophobia

By Hannah Smith

If you have the fear of vomiting, you will know that this fear is called emetophobia. It usually starts in childhood and lingers throughout your life. The unfortunate thing about this phobia is that it comes with other related issue.

An example would be, that the person once vomited in a public space. It could also be that the person has had an experience which lasted for a few days. It can take control of the person's life and can lead to obsessive compulsive behaviors.

Some of the controls could be like sleeping with a towel nearby in order to have a place in which to vomit, or insisting on always driving in case of car sickness. There are however, many variations of this problem and this hyper-vigilant sensitivity usually creates its own problem and makes the situation even worse.

The thought of the possibility of being nauseous and the other problems related to that, can in fact bring on the nausea. This consistent fear will lead the persons to isolate themselves, and this can create further problems such as social anxiety or agoraphobia.

These problems are not the only ones that could be seen as part of emetophobia. The anxiety related to food is an added extension as there would be the radical concern for food that is not cooked or the way in which the food is stored. In their minds this might lead to food poisoning.

There would be an over analysis of the foods and the way in which it has to be prepared. The diet would become very restricted and can hence, lead to another problem which could be anorexia. This is a serious problem and it therefore needs to be treated as soon as possible.

Whether the end result of dealing with this illness is anorexia or agoraphobia or any other related problem it all starts with the fear of vomiting. There are some sufferers that are extremely afraid that someone will vomit in front of him or her and as a consequence lead to their own vomiting.

It is a difficult illness to diagnose as it is often buried beneath other phobias. One of the good things about it is that it can be treated. All of the phobias can be revealed and lifted off by an experienced therapist. This will reveal the real issue which is the fear of vomiting.

Therapy can assist one to confront fears and replace the thoughts regarding vomiting. Hypnosis and relaxation techniques can also assist with dealing with the problem. Even though certain medications may be needed in some cases this is a phobia that can be treated and the sufferer does not need to be controlled by emetophobia.

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