This Is Why My Hunting T-Shirts Are Important

By Tim Thatcher

It almost seem like you can't get on the Internet these days without finding someone who is complaining about hunting, guns, or the abuse of animals. These people make accusations against hunters without really knowing anything about us or what we do. Everything they know about hunting, they learned from Disney movies. We are not the scary villains that kill the baby deer's mom. We are hunters who obey time-honored laws and traditions. We eat what we kill. We teach our children to honor nature. I wear my hunting t-shirts to remind me of all of these things.

Humans are hunters. Did you know that human beings are some of the greatest distance runners on the planet? We are built to track, hunt, and run down prey to the point of exhaustion. Our ancestors would run for days until an animal died from over exertion, and then we would rebuild our own tired, sore muscles from the protein their meat provides. We would not be here today if we had not developed those skills, and we certainly wouldn't have the most advanced brains in the world today. My hunting t-shirts are a symbol of my pride in our species.

The world is indeed crumbling around us because of terrible things that humans have done. Carbon emissions are ruining the atmosphere, ageless jungles are being torn down in South America for hardwoods, and we're butting more plastic in the ground than we are seeds. This is not the way of the hunter, though. The hunter craves the vast expanses of untouched wilderness. The hunter cherishes nature in all of its bounty and wants to preserve that bounty. I would even go so far as to say that the average hunter is more of an environmental activist than many people who say they are. I wear my hunting t-shirts because I want to save nature, not destroy it.

If it were not for the modern hunter, the current deer population would be completely out of control. Deer, elk, and other herbivores breed quickly and mature fast because they have evolved to the point where they have to out perform the animals that stalk and kill them. Well, those animals are not nearly so plentiful as they once were because of careless practices of the past. Now, it is up to the human hunter to cut back the population of these prey animals so that they do not have a crueler fate during a foodless, long winter. I wear my hunting t-shirts because I know my responsibility as a human being.

There is not a single person reading this article that doesn't have a special talent for killing prey for food and nourishment. It is simply how we were built. I understand that many have become too modernized to ever even care to get back to those special talents, but for all of our sakes...leave us alone who do. We are hunters, and we are good people who do good things in the world. I wear hunting t-shirts because I am proud of who I am.

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