Poker Jargon - Learn It And Become a Pro

By Gregory Brooks

Poker has played from a long time back and is classified as one of the first games in gambling history. Nobody knows when poker was first played or from where it came from. The game is unique in using specific terms and words to denote some part of the game or some bet. These terms have been passed down through the generations, from a player to player, and now have become a language in itself. These terrms called "poker lingo" are also used in all the diverse variants of poker, which abound in the game. It is absolutely necessary for you to know the slang if you want to play poker. And when you have learnt the glossary you will then be able to play like a pro.

Since poker is a gambling game and you play it for cash, you will find that the term "tapping out" denotes you have lost all that you had wagered and the game itself.

A 4-suit pack of hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs, having a total of 52 cards is used to play poker. Some of the poker variations use the joker, which is named the "wild card" and you can use it in place of any card in the pack. The arrangement of cards in your hand is called a "hand". An "Ace high" or An "Ace Low" is a combination that includes an Ace in it, and the way you propose to use it. An "Ace full" shows that there is a full house including an Ace.

The expression "in action" is used to show that the activity around the table is high. Such activities could be "betting", "raising" and of course "checking". "Checking" refers to your wagering without increasing the wager. "Betting everything" shows that you are confident about your hand, and that you will increase the bet. "Up the ante" indicates that you are re-adding more to the pot. While responding to a wager placed by another player, to indicate that you would like to increase the pot you simply say "raising".

If a player is broken, you refer to him as "broomcorn uncle". The cash you need to enter the play is called "buy" and the player who deals the card is called "dealer".

In the variant Texas Hold'em, the first two cards dealt is the "preflop". The next deal is known as "flop". The third is the "turn", and the subsequent deal is the "river". Thereafter, the community cards are dealt face up on the poker table. If the flop cards happen to be in different suits then, in terms of poker jargon, it is called a "rainbow".

When a weak hand beats a strong one, it is called a "bad beat", and this can only happen in poker. If you get annoyed when playing poker, then you are on "tilt". You can go on tilt after a bad beat.

This is only the elementary poker jargon. However, when you start to participate in the game, you will surely comprehend the more difficult expressions. You will find poker more appealing, and you will then be able to enjoy it more. Poker lingo is very engrossing. All you have to do is learn the fundamentals, and then the rest will come as you play.

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