Furnace Tune Ups Require Special Equipment and Training

By Jim French

As is the case for an automobile, a home heating furnace needs to be maintained periodically to keep running properly and at peak efficiency. This should be done once every heating season, and it is best to contact a heating contractor and have a licensed heating technician do the job.

Normal homeowners can execute some of the tasks that are necessary for a furnace tune up. These would include using a vacuum cleaner around the location of the furnace so dirt and dust don't pile up. Inspecting and cleaning or changing the air filter is another task that anyone can do.

Certain checks that a trained heating technician performs cannot be done by the average homeowner. For example, the combustion of the gas needs to be checked to be sure the gas is burning properly and that no carbon monoxide is being emitted by the system. To do this takes a specialized piece of equipment called a combustion analyzer, and these are not readily available to most people.

Another item the heating technician will check is the pressure of the gas that is being fed to the burners in the heat exchanger. In order to run efficiently, the right amount of gas needs to be burned. If either too much or too little gas is available the system will not work as it was designed and fuel will be wasted.

Other items that need to be checked are the condition of the blower fan belt and whether it is too loose or too tight. In addition the blower motor will probably need lubrication. The air filter will be checked, and the system will be inspected for moisture.

One can readily see from the above that tuning up a home furnace is not a DYI type of job and needs to be done by a professional. The cost of doing this is not excessively high, however. Many heating contractors make special offers for furnace tune ups, and it is not unusually to have this done for under about one hundred dollars.

If you have this done once each year you can basically forget about your furnace, and it will provide many years of service.

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