Is your website as pointless as a chocolate teapot?

By Iain Clark

Iain Clark of Red Power Staton decided one day that he was about to make a chocolate teapot (the video of making the chocolate teapot can be seen here). Why would he do that?

The video starts with Iain taking a lot of time preparing the chocolate teapot. He carefully pours the ganache chocolate into a bain marie (well, it was a glass pyrex bowl over a pan of bowling water). The chocolate was lovingly melted to the precise temperature of 110 degrees employing a special chocolate thermometer. It was then cooled to 87 degrees for a while.

After the process of tempering the chocolate was carefully poured into chocolate teapot moulds. These are called 3d moulds as they create 3d chocolate creations. You won't see it on the video, but Iain also produced a chocolate tea cup as well!

The chocolate teapot was then left to set in the refrigerator for a while. This complete process took a lot of effort, and was it worth it? No, as can be seen in the Iain makes a chocolate teapot video!!

The whole point of the chocolate teapot video, is that many business owners spend a lot of effort and time creating websites. They hire a costly website designer, meticulosity design the logo and lovingly pick the most dazzling font. Some websites even produce fancy flash intro pages.

Do any of these lovingly created sites produce any real sales? Do they produce money? The sad fact is that most small business web sites are as helpful as a chocolate teapot. They do not work as they lack any

- Onsite search site optimisation (S.E.O)
- Back-links from other websites
- Regular blog entries
- Articles being written about them

To make things even worse, many websites don't have mechanisms to convert web visitors into paying clients. There is no consistent methodology to slowly woo customers into:

- Make a connection with the entrepreneur thru a collection of videos
- Capture contact information of potential customers
- Build your own marketing lists

Actually business owners should be using the power of video to:

- Build trust and a clan of followers
- Show that you are
- Action call

If you do know of any business owners with websites as useless as chocolate teapots, then let Red Power Station know. They can be saved and turned into lead creating machines.

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